Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering offers U.G and P.G programs in Electrical Engineering Discipline. The department has a rich tradition of teaching and research and is widely recognized to be a pioneer in Electrical Engineering Education. The Department is recognized as a Research Centre in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The research work in the department is vibrant with the support of eminent professors like Dr.M.Rama Moorthy, former Director General, CPRI taking a keen interest in guiding the faculty members. The research interests of the faculty members encompass a wide gamut of sub-disciplines of Electrical Engineering. The Department takes pride in its ability to nurture students who win gold medals at the university level consistently. We also take up the social responsibility of inculcating awareness about Energy Conservation by promoting programs about the same. Collaboration with industries for timely amendments of curriculum and laboratories is another credential of the department.

The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering offers U.G and P.G programs in Electrical Engineering Discipline. The department has a rich tradition of teaching and research and is widely recognized to be a pioneer in Electrical Engineering Education. The Department is recognized as a Research Centre in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The research work in the department is vibrant with the support of eminent professors like Dr.M.Rama Moorthy, former Director General, CPRI taking a keen interest in guiding the faculty members. The research interests of the faculty members encompass a wide gamut of sub-disciplines of Electrical Engineering. The Department takes pride in its ability to nurture students who win gold medals at the university level consistently. We also take up the social responsibility of inculcating awareness about Energy Conservation by promoting programs about the same. Collaboration with industries for timely amendments of curriculum and laboratories is another credential of the department.

PEOs, POs & PSOs

B.Tech EEE

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

    The student in Electrical and Electronics Engineering will be able to:

  • Excel in chosen career and/or higher education with technical competency in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and allied engineering disciplines.
  • Demonstrate multidisciplinary skills and professional ethics in providing sustainable solutions for engineering issues through innovative product design and services to broader societal context.
  • Work effectively as an individual, team member and/or entrepreneur with good managerial and Communication skills.
  • Engage in lifelong learning to maintain and enhance professional skills to align with changing societal needs.

Program Outcomes (POs)

    Engineering Graduates will be able to:

  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and Design System components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering Solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the Engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write Effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and Apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • Apply mathematics, basic sciences and electrical engineering fundamentals to solve technical problems with the background of multi-disciplinary knowledge.
  • Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex electrical and electronics Engineering problems attaining reasonable conclusions using fundamentals of mathematics, basic and engineering sciences.
  • Design solutions for complex electrical and electronics engineering problems and the process to attain the specified solutions with societal, environmental and safety considerations
  • Create, select and apply modern tools to carry out complex electrical and electronics engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations


M.Tech (Power Electronics)

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • Proficient in applying sustainable and inclusive technologies to analyse, formulate and provide solutions for real time problems in diversified fields
  • Solve complex technological problems using emerging technologies and tools
  • Work effectively as an individual and team member with good communication skills in project execution
  • Demonstrate interdisciplinary skills and professional ethics in relating engineering issues to broader societal context
  • Engage in life long learning for a successful professional career.

Program Outcomes (POs)

  • An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems in Power Electronics and Allied Fields.
  • An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.
  • An ability to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the Power Electronics and Systems.
  • Design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze the power electronic converters & drives and interpret the data.
  • Function on multidisciplinary technological issues related to power electronics advancements.
  • Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering simulation tools necessary for the design and development of power converter topologies and engage in life long learning.

M. Tech (Power Systems)

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • PEO-1: Proficient in applying sustainable and comprehensive technologies to analyse, formulate and provide solutions for realtime problems in diversified fields.
  • PEO-2: Solve complex technical problems using emerging technologies and tools.
  • PEO-3: Demonstrate interdisciplinary skills and build hands on models for testing and research.
  • PEO-4: Develop professional ethics, strong communication skills, knowledge of social impacts and leadership qualities.
  • PEO-5: Engage in lifelong learning for a successful professional career.

Program Outcomes (POs)

  • PO-1: Ability to independently carry out research/investigation and Development work to solve practical problems.
  • PO-2: Ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.
  • PO-3: An ability to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program.
  • PO-4: Design and conduct experiments, to analyse the power system models and interpret the data.
  • PO-5: Function on multidisciplinary technological issues assimilating power system advancements.
  • PO-6: Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering simulation tools necessary for the design and development of power system technologies and engage in lifelong learning.
S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Profiles Joining Date Qualification Nature of Association E-Mail JNTUH ID
1 Dr.K.Anuradha Professor & Dean Academics 11-07-1997 Ph.D. Regular 7860-150409-093946
2 Dr.Poonam Upadhyay Professor 01-08-2001 Ph.D. Regular 94150405-004032
3 Dr.J. Viswanatha Rao Professor 08-12-2016 Ph.D. Regular 0501-150415-145453
4 Dr.N Krishna Kumari Professor 23-02-2007 Ph.D. Regular 55150406-124635
5 Dr.V. Ramesh Babu Professor & HOD 10-11-1999 Ph.D. Regular 47150406-170828
6 Dr.Y. Venu Professor 12-01-2007 Ph.D. Regular 1572-150410-114653
7 Dr. G.Sasi Kumar Associate Professor 22-07-2005 Ph.D Regular 72150407-113127
8 Dr. B. Neelakanteshwar Rao Associate Professor 01-12-2016 Ph.D. Regular 0411-161202-112915
9 Dr. J.Srinivasa Rao Associate Professor 16-12-2016 Ph.D. Regular 89150402-164401
10 Dr. J.Bhavani Associate Professor 27-12-2014 Ph.D. Regular 1439-150408-145337
11 Dr. K. Veeresham Associate Professor 29-04-2015 Ph.D. Regular 7594-150430-103524
12 Dr. D. Ravi Kumar Associate Professor 27-06-2008 Ph.D. Regular 96150401-170945
13 Dr. E. Shiva Prasad Associate Professor 23-08-2010 Ph.D. Regular 39150407-160902
14 Dr. G.Radhika Sr. Assistant Professor 30-08-2007 Ph.D. Regular 26150407-125358
15 Mr.P.Ramesh Assistant Professor 18-08-2008 M.Tech Regular 4653-160224-113219
16 Mr. B.Ganesh Babu Assistant Professor 17-05-2012 M.Tech Regular 25150402-171632
17 Mrs. M.Nagajyothi Assistant Professor 12-12-2012 M.Tech Regular 9283-150408-071146
18 Mr. G. C.Prabhakar Assistant Professor 14-12-2012 M.Tech Regular 76150406-094207
19 Mr. D.S.G. Krishna Assistant Professor 15-07-2013 M.Tech Regular 1702-150408-125017
20 Mrs. S.Poornima Assistant Professor 15-07-2013 M.Tech Regular 9959-150408-133632
21 Mrs. R.Geshma Kumari Assistant Professor 09-12-2014 M.Tech Regular 31150401-121113
22 Dr O.Sobhana Assistant Professor 27-04-2015 Ph.D Regular 0519-150429-161443
23 Mr. N.Amarnadh Reddy Assistant Professor 02-07-2020 M.Tech Regular 3516-150429-155923
24 Ms. I.Neelima Assistant Professor 18-03-2016 M.Tech Regular 2778-160318-132021
25 Mr. B.Devulal Assistant Professor 27-04-2015 M.Tech Regular 5863-150409-153603
26 Ms. K.Sravani Assistant Professor 29-04-2015 M.Tech Regular 4725-150412-163746
27 Dr. G.Lakshminarayana Assistant Professor 01-12-2016 Ph.D Regular 2650-161202-104359
28 Dr. Rashmi Kapoor Senior Assistant Professor 08-12-2016 Ph.D. Regular 9175-161210-122028
29 Dr. A. Giriprasad Senior Assistant Professor 07-01-2017 Ph.D. Regular 50150406-163106
30 Ms. R.Sudha Assistant Professor 14-03-2020 M.Tech Regular 5285-200307-152714
31 Mr.K.Srikanth Assistant Professor 14-03-2020 M.Tech Regular 2870-200306-172222
32 Dr.K.Subhash Babu Assistant Professor 01-06-2022 Ph.D Regular 6152-220601-155601
33 Ms.G.Anjali Devi Assistant Professor 01-06-2022 M.Tech Regular 4016-220607-161344
34 Ms.B.Naga Swetha Assistant Professor 01-06-2022 M.Tech Regular 2516-220601-160857
35 Mrs.B.Madhuri Assistant Professor 01-07-2022 M.Tech Regular 6394-220707-160105
36 Dr. P. Nagabushanam Assistant Professor 03-05-2023 Ph.D Regular 9383-230612-111647
37 Dr. A. Ravi Kumar Assistant Professor 18-10-2023 Ph.D Regular 4299-160306-175732
38 Ms. B Harshini Assistant Professor 02-11-2023 M.Tech Regular 0670-220411-105536
39 Dr. A. Anil Kumar Assistant Professor 08-11-2023 Ph.D Regular 7844-220708-143644
40 Dr. N. Nageswara Reddy Assistant Professor 16-11-2023 Ph.D Regular 2778-240131-115706
41 Dr. Kiran Jasthi Assistant Professor 02-01-2024 Ph.D Regular 7663-191108-101534

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