Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, CSE-Cyber Security, Data Science

Welcome to Department of CSE-(CyS, DS) and AI&DS. This department is established in 2020 with the DS and CyS B.Tech. program with the intake of 120 and 60 respectively and in the year 2021 started with the AI & DS B.Tech. program with a intake of 60. This department is dedicated to explore the fascinating fields of Data Science, AI, and Cyber Security issues equipping the students with the knowledge and skills to excel in these rapidly evolving domains.

Welcome to the Department of CSE-(CyS, DS) and AI&DS. This department is established in 2020 with the DS and CyS B.Tech. program with the intake of 120 and 60 respectively and in the year 2021 started with the AI & DS B.Tech. program with a intake of 60. This department is dedicated to explore the fascinating fields of Data Science, AI, and Cyber Security issues equipping the students with the knowledge and skills to excel in these rapidly evolving domains.

B.Tech. Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Data Science programme kick-starts, in our college with a vision to build the intellectual capital of the society through research-based education, creating new knowledge and innovations. The department offers a comprehensive curriculum through a combination of lectures, hands-on projects, and experiential learning opportunities. We strive to cultivate a deep understanding of the principles and techniques underlying the current technologies. It boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced faculty members who are experts in their respective areas. They are dedicated to imparting knowledge, mentoring students, and staying updated with the latest advancements in the field. The Department provides internships, real-world projects, and networking events. Students gain invaluable industry exposure and insights into the practical applications to enhancing their employability. The department is involved in pioneering research and supports research activities both for teachers and students. We promote a culture of innovation, encouraging students and faculty members to explore new ideas, conduct research projects, and publish their findings in reputable journals and conferences and explore themselves in cutting-edge technologies like Image Processing, Augmented Reality, Data Analytics, Cyber Forensic, Malware analysis etc. All the activities are conducted in association with different clubs like VJ DATA QUESTERS, VJ GARUDA VIGILENCE, VJ HACKSLASH AND VJ CREATINAI CLUBS


To produce engineers with in-depth technical knowledge and ethical values.

To incorporate ingeniousness and self- driven capabilities to the students in the fields of mezzanine technologies.

To nurture the ecosystem of Innovation, Research and Development through an integrated teaching-learning environment for faculty and students.


Offer diverse curriculum in line with industry, professional and research bodies.

Provide project-based learning environment for developing diverse practical capabilities.

Offer advanced trainings to enable process skills and competencies.

PEOs, POs & PSOs

B.Tech : CSE - Data Science

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

    The student in CSE - Data Science will be able to:

  • Graduates of the Data Science will contribute to the Nation’s progress through their talent to solve varied and complex Data Science problems across a broad range of application areas. (Professional accomplishment).
  • Graduates of the Data Science will be successful Professionals, designing and implementing Products and services of global standards in the field Data Science, becoming entrepreneurs, pursuing higher studies and research. (Continuing Education).
  • Graduates of the Data Science Program will be able to adapt to changing scenario of disruptive technology with an ability to solve critical societal problems using logical and flexible approach in decision making. (Attitudes).
  • To make the graduates adaptable to changing career opportunities who have the potential to excel in industry or public sector or higher studies exhibiting global competitiveness.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • Acquire proficiency in developing and implementing efficient solutions using evolving technologies of Data Science, platforms and Free and Open-Source Software.
  • Gain critical understanding of hardware and software tools providing to the contemporary needs of IT industry 4.0 standards.
  • Graduating student will be able to illustrate the use of Data Science for attaining reliable and fault-tolerant IT solutions by using and understanding use cases.

B.Tech : CSE- Cyber Security

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

    The student in CSE- Cyber Security will be able to:

  • Provide sustainable solutions for real time cyber-attacks as a part of professional career and research. (Professional accomplishment).
  • Practice lifelong learning through pursuing higher education, professional programs, training and certifications. (Continuing Education).
  • Demonstrate proactive team spirit, competencies, and ethical behaviour in their careers. (Attitudes).
  • Generate innovative solutions and explore opportunities to become entrepreneurs.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • Explore, employ, and support security systems for the networked devices and data.
  • Respond to security events, and protect devices and systems from cybersecurity risks, threats, and vulnerabilities.
  • Provide awareness to people regarding the cyber security threats and propagate ethical standards.

B.Tech : Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

    The student in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science will be able to:

  • Enable the students to accomplish professional career in business, government, or academia, with the ability to create creative solutions utilising technology as a tool to address pressing issues. (Professional accomplishment).
  • Conduct research talents in cutting-edge technologies will add to a new corpus of knowledge (Continuing Education).
  • Develop a learning mind-set to continuously improve their knowledge, through on the job, formal and informal learning opportunities. (Attitudes).
  • Build ethical ability and good leadership, management, teamwork, and communication abilities.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • Apply the principles of artificial intelligence and data science that require problem-solving, inference, perception, knowledge representation, and learning.
  • Exhibit strong professional skills to function effectively in multi-disciplinary and heterogeneous teams with a growth mind-set to deliver a quality product for Business, Education & Training and E-governance.
  • Provide a concrete foundation and enrich their abilities to qualify for Employment, Higher studies and Research in Artificial Intelligence and Data science with ethical values.

Program Outcomes (POs):

    The graduates of B. Tech CSE-(CyS, DS) and AI&DS will be able to:

  • Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions for complex problems.
  • Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Profiles Joining Date Qualification E-Mail JNTUH ID
1 Dr.T. Sunil Kumar Prof. and HOD 28.09.2000 Ph.D 47150404-190607
2 Dr.M. Raja Sekar Professor 24.11.2016 Ph.D 14150402-115407
3 Dr. P. Subhash Assoc. Professor 06-12-2016 Ph.D 8601-150407-215242
4 Mr.R. Kranthi Kumar Asst. Professor 24.05.2010 M.Tech(Ph.D) 32150403-182619
5 Dr.T. Preethi Asst. Professor 7.3.2022 Ph. D 2625-220308-111834
6 Mr.P. Veeranjaneyulu Asst. Professor 28.3.2022 M.Tech(Ph.D) 2118-150426-113758
7 Dr. N. Sunanda Asst. Professor 6.5.2022 Ph. D 9955-220509-162547
8 Mrs.G. Ashalatha Asst. Professor 29.7.2022 M.Tech (Ph.D) 4887-220720-121316
9 Mrs.E. Lalitha Asst. Professor 1.8.2022 M.Tech 1001-160314-205830
10 Mr.G. Sathar Asst. Professor 4.8.2022 M.Tech (Ph.D) 6476-220708-121723
11 Mr. Manmath Nath Das Asst. Professor 6.8.2022 M.Tech (Ph.D) 2610-220719-213956
12 Dr.Y.Sucharitha Asst. Professor 5.12.2022 PhD 5957-150413-135745
13 Ms.Issac Neha Margaret Asst. Professor 6.12.2022 M.Tech (Ph.D) 1429-230201-154632
14 Mr. K.Sai Bhargav Asst. Professor 18.1.2023 M.Tech (Ph.D) 8774-230209-154747
15 Mrs.B.Deepika Asst. Professor 18.1.2023 M.Tech(Ph.D) 1579-150413-141106
16 Mrs.Rasmita Kumari Mohanty Asst. Professor 21.2.2023 M.Tech(Ph.D) 1448-150408-131255
17 Mrs.P.Devika Asst. Professor 1.3.2023 M.Tech(Ph.D) 3929-150411-133834
18 Mrs.G.Mounika Asst. Professor 1.3.2023 M.Tech (Ph.D) 7919-230403-142453
19 Mr. B.Sangameshwar Asst. Professor 03.03.2023 M.Tech (Ph.D) 6786-220607-133808
20 Mrs.S.Krishnapriya Asst. Professor 13.03.2023 M.Tech(Ph.D) 3182-220527-125000
21 Ch.Akhil Asst. Professor 03.04.2023 M.Tech 5814-230404-123307
22 A.Pramod Kumar Asst. Professor 12.04.2023 M.Tech(Ph.D) 06150407-104422
23 Dr. D. Manju Asst. Professor 01.06.2023 PhD 0715-0407-155454
24 Dr. Spoorthy G Asst. Professor 23-08-2023 Ph.D 8180-231018-172322
25 Mrs. Sreevidya Asst. Professor 23-11-2023 M.Tech (Ph.D) 0475-160229-111549
26 Mr. P. Venkateswara Rao Asst. Professor 03-01-2024 M.Tech (Ph.D) 2261-150427-171854
27 Dr. V. Radhika Asst. Professor 14-02-2024 Ph.D 3745-170128-062553
28 Mrs. M. Madhulatha Asst. Professor 06-02-2024 M.Tech 6582-160317-180601
29 Mrs. G Vanaja Kumari Asst. Professor 16-02-2024 M.Tech 4022-220821-175212
30 Mrs. G. Sravanthi Asst. Professor 16-02-2024 M.Tech (Ph.D) 4208-150414-152223
31 Mrs. P. Lalitha Asst. Professor 17-02-2024 M.Tech 2743-160224-145159
32 Mrs. M. Sri Sevitha Asst. Professor 26-02-2024 M.Tech 0191-210327-121642
33 Mr. D. Veera Bhadra Rao Asst. Professor 27-02-2024 M.Tech (Ph.D) 5694-240306-102340
34 Mrs. B. Dhanalaxmi Asst. Professor 01-04-2024 M.Tech (Ph.D) 1442-160130-104102
35 Mr. N. Sudheer Asst. Professor 06-05-2024 M.Tech (Ph.D)
36 Mrs. P. Meenakshi Asst. Professor 16-05-2024 M.Tech (Ph.D) 8779-230309-143649
37 Mrs. V.Susmitha Asst. Professor 16-05-2024 M.Tech (Ph.D)
38 Mrs. Ch.N.V.Jyothirmai Asst. Professor 11-06-2024 M.Tech Jyothirmai_ch@
39 Mrs. K. Naga Sandhya Asst. Professor 20-08-2024 M.Tech
40 Dr. M.Laxmidevi Asst. Professor 18-09-2024 (Ph.D)
41 Mrs. N. Madhuri Asst. Professor 21-11-2024 M.Tech (Ph.D) 1526-241126-140226
42 Mr. D.Srinivas Rao Asst. Professor 09-12-2024 M.Tech (Ph.D)
43 Mrs. P. Swathi Asst. Professor 11-12-2024 M.Tech 9952-161220-123712
44 Mrs. G.Shravani Asst. Professor 16-12-2024 M.Tech 5260-250118-113135
45 Ms. N.Vasundhara Asst. Professor 21-12-2024 M.Tech 0118-160217-125259
46 Mrs. A.Jayabhargavi Asst. Professor 26-12-2024 M.Tech
47 Mr. S. Srinivas Kumar Asst. Professor 02-01-2025 M.Tech (Ph.D) 4961-240908-181359
48 Mr. V. Vinay Kumar Asst. Professor 02-01-2025 M.Tech (Ph.D)
49 Mr. V. Srikanth Reddy Asst. Professor 08-01-2025 M.Tech (Ph.D) 2559-200307-152105
50 Mrs. G.Usha Rani Asst. Professor 01-02-2025 M.Tech 0118-230406-115420
51 Mr. A. Madhu Asst. Professor 10-02-2025 M.Tech (Ph.D) 9117-220603-141622
52 Ms. Dhanshree Mukund Pande Asst. Professor 10-02-2025 M.Tech 2920-250218-115851

Student Achievements

Faculty Achievements

Placement and Higher Education