Department of Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering is a broad field of engineering that deals with planning, design, construction, and maintenance of different structures like buildings, roads, bridges, canals, dams, water supply and treatment systems etc. The Department of Civil Engineering was started in the year 2001 with an annual intake of 60 undergraduate students which was subsequently raised to the present annual intake of 120 students. It also offers three PG Courses in Structural Engineering, Geo-Technical Engineering and Highway Engineering. In addition, the department is recognized as a research center by JNTUH. UG Civil Engineering program is conferred with Six years of accreditation under Tier-I consecutively for the second time in 2023 by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA), India. PG Structural Engineering program is accredited for 3 years by NBA in the year 2021.The department provides extensive lab facilities in the areas of Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Hydraulics, Remote Sensing, Geospatial Information System and Surveying. The department also provides separate computer laboratories for UG and PG students. It also has a library with varied collection of books and several facilities.

About the department

The department has well qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty for teaching, research and consultancy works. The department has a rich ambience of spacious and ICT facilities provided classrooms and laboratories which is conducive for learning and training. To promote academic and research cognizance among faculty, staff and students, the department is actively involved in organizing Seminars/Symposia/Workshops. The department has also conducted two International conferences and four National conferences in various domains of Civil Engineering. It should be mentioned that very good academic environment and the meticulous efforts of faculty and supporting staff have enabled the students to bring laurels to the department and institute by participating in various professional events in reputed Institutions. In Placements front, the number of students from the Civil Engineering department, who got placed, has surpassed the number from several other institutes.

The department relentlessly promotes research and consultancy. The main areas of research include Structural Engineering, Geo-Technical Engineering, Highway Engineering and Water Resources Engineering. The Department regularly receives sponsored project grants from AICTE, UGC, DST and other research organizations. The department also offers various consultancy works to government and private organizations. The Department is accorded with a recognition as third party by Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) for testing, checking designs and certification.


To develop Civil Engineering Department as a Centre of excellence for imparting value-based education to the students at under-graduate and post-graduate level to meet industry needs and to develop as a major research center meeting national and international standards.


To impart in-depth and up-to-date knowledge of Civil Engineering concepts with focus on character enhancement, leadership qualities, effective communication, social responsibility and pursuit of lifelong learning and professional development.

To provide a platform to the students to engage in original innovative research.

B. Tech - Civil Engineering

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • To provide students with a solid foundation in Basic and Engineering Sciences to understand, analyse and evaluate the information to achieve expertise in core areas of Civil Engineering.
  • To prepare the students to achieve high level technical expertise in the fields of Civil Engineering and to excel in the design and construction of various components or systems of Civil Engineering and to make the students capable of pursuing higher studies and research.
  • To establish acquaintance with the practical implementation of the theoretical concepts through laboratories, by bringing the real world into the academics through virtual industry labs and to enhance experimental skills of students beyond curriculum and encouraging them to identify and solve complex engineering problems.
  • To equip students with modern professional abilities such as effective communication, collaborative work in diverse teams, ethical decision making, successful management of personal and professional career objectives and passion for continuous development through lifelong learning.
  • To prepare the students to guide their professional development by bringing awareness of professional society activities, professional licensure requirements and opportunities for further education in graduate school.

Program Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

  • Engineering Knowledge: The student is capable of applying the principles of basic sciences and mathematics in learning the Civil Engineering subjects. Graduates will be proficient in the core principles of Civil Engineering as they pertain to the sub-fields of Environmental Engineering, Geo-Technical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Water Resources Engineering and will be able to apply these principles in engineering practice.
  • Problem Analysis: The Graduates will possess critical thinking skills, problem solving abilities and familiarity with the computational procedures essential to the field.
  • Design & Development of Solutions: The student is able to plan, analyze, design and look after the construction of various types of Civil Engineering structures with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations.
  • Conduct investigations of complex problems: The student will use research based methods to design, conduct experiments, to analyze and interpret experimental data.
  • Modern Tool Usage: The student will get hands on training in the various modern Civil Engineering software and modern equipment.
  • The Engineer and Society: The students will apply reasoning and uses appropriate knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues.
  • Environment and Sustainability: As the students possess substantial knowledge in multi disciplinary subjects, they will be able to plan various projects keeping in view of its environmental effects on other related fields.
  • Ethics: The student will apply ethical principles and commitment to profession and responsibilities of their profession.
  • Individual and Team work: The graduate is capable of working productively as an individual, as a member or a leader in driver set teams.
  • Communication: The student will possess mastery in good communication skills, expressing ideas, writing technical reports and effective managerial skills.
  • Project Management and Finance: The graduates will acquire knowledge and understanding of the critical issues for professional practices such as the procurement of works, interaction with contractors during the construction phase of a project, financial and managerial capabilities.
  • Life-Long learning: The student will have an awareness of contemporary issues and will contribute to the well being of the community with life-long learning in the broadest context of ever growing technology.

Program Specific Outcomes

  • Survey, Plot & Plan layout for Civil Engineering Structures and alignment for Canals & Roads
  • Analyze the problems related to structural components for Buildings, Pavements and Waterways and recommend suitable measures with appropriate consideration for public health, safety and Environmental sustainability.
  • Specify, design, supervise, test & evaluate foundations & superstructures for Buildings, Industries. Hydraulic structures, Powerhouses, Highways, Railways, Airways, Water supply systems & Sewage treatment plants.

M.Tech- Structural Engineering

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • To provide proficiency in the basic principles and advanced courses of technology in Structural Engineering so that students are able to formulate, analyse and solve the societal problems for sustainable development related to structural Engineering.
  • To expose the students to the latest innovations and trends with a view to inculcate strong research orientation in structural engineering as well as in multidisciplinary streams.
  • To produce Structural Engineers who integrate and build on the program's core curricular concepts in the pursuit of professional leadership, teamwork, life-long learning, and successful career advancement.

Program Outcomes (POs)

  • PO-1: An ability to independently carryout research/investigation and development work to solve practical problems.
  • PO-2: An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.
  • PO-3: Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.
  • PO-4: To motivate the graduate students to address the societal needs by interdisciplinary approach through advanced courses.
  • PO-5: To enrich the graduate students to get hands on training on latest equipment / software to be industry ready / pursue advanced research.
  • PO-6: To inculcate ethical practices and to establish understanding of professionalism, safety, sustainability, their duties, and contribution to the society.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

Students will be able to:

  • To expose the graduate students to advanced courses in Analysis, and Design of RC, PSC and Steel structures as per the latest design codes, current national and international scenario on Structural Engineering.
  • To motivate the graduate students to address the societal needs by interdisciplinary approach through advanced courses such as Finite Element Analysis, Plates & Shell structures, Structural Dynamics, Soil Dynamics, and allied courses.
  • To enrich the graduate students to get hands on training on latest equipment / software to be industry ready / pursue advanced research.

M.Tech- Highway Engineering

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • To provide the student with a solid foundation in Planning, Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of highway projects in the context of environmental, economic and social requirements.
  • To equip students with modern concepts and tools which would enable them to become globally competent professionals and fitting into a broad range of career opportunities in highway research and industry.
  • To prepare the students in lifelong learning for professional advancement, that would help them to execute complex transportation projects with professional ethics and social responsibilities.

Program Outcomes (POs)

  • PO-1: An ability to independently carryout research/investigation and development work to solve practical problems.
  • PO-2: An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.
  • PO-3: Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.
  • PO-4: To motivate the graduate students to address the societal needs by interdisciplinary approach through advanced courses.
  • PO-5: To enrich the graduate students to get hands on training on latest equipment / software to be industry ready / pursue advanced research.
  • PO-6: To inculcate ethical practices and to establish understanding of professionalism, safety, sustainability, their duties, and contribution to the society.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

Students will be able to:

  • To expose graduate students to advanced courses in Pavement Material Characterization, Pavement Design, Traffic Planning, and Safety Engineering, Highway Construction Practices that comply with IRC design guidelines, as well as international Highway Engineering scenario.
  • To encourage graduate students to address societal needs through advanced courses such as Computational Techniques in Highway Engineering, Highway Network Analysis and Optimisation Techniques, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics in Highway Engineering, and allied courses.
  • To provide graduate students with hands-on training on cutting-edge equipment and software in order for them to be industry ready and pursue advanced research.

M.Tech - Geotechnical Engineering

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • To apply knowledge of geotechnical engineering to produce engineers to integrate and build concepts to improve professional leadership, teamwork, life-long learning, and career advancement.
  • To design and conduct experiments, to analyze and interpret data related to the geotechnical engineering, as well as to formulate systems within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
  • To accentuate the understanding of the basic principles and exposes the student to the latest developments, with a strong research foundation so as to provide engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.

Program Outcomes (POs)

  • PO-1: An ability to independently carryout research/investigation and development work to solve practical problems.
  • PO-2: An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.
  • PO-3: Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.
  • PO-4: To motivate the graduate students to address the societal needs by interdisciplinary approach through advanced courses.
  • PO-5: To enrich the graduate students to get hands on training on latest equipment / software to be industry ready / pursue advanced research.
  • PO-6: To inculcate ethical practices and to establish understanding of professionalism, safety, sustainability, their duties, and contribution to the society.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

Students will be able to:

  • Identify, Investigate and Explore soil strata for construction of Buildings, Bridges, Dams, Retaining Walls, Pavements and Underground structures.
  • Analyze and Address the problems of foundations, slopes and retaining structures for different failure criteria, deformations and settlement behavior under static and dynamic loading pattern.
  • Design the substructures appropriately to overcome problematic soil behaviors such as collapsible, swelling and to support enormous structural loads.
S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Profiles Joining Date Qualification Nature of Association E-mail ID JNTUH ID
1 Dr. A. Mallika Professor 11-08-2004 Ph. D. Regular 51150406-150532
2 Dr. BDV Chandra Mohan Rao Professor 14-09-2005 Ph. D. Regular 7160-150407-204742
3 Dr. K. Ramujee Professor & HOD 05-11-1999 Ph. D. Regular 0171-150407-213332
4 Dr. B. Narendra Kumar Professor 18-12-2003 Ph. D. Regular 5111-150408-175736
5 Dr. CH. Nageshwar Rao Professor 01-03-2017 Ph. D. Regular 0565-170207-220306
6 Dr. A. Ramesh Professor 03-12-2007 Ph. D. Regular 6744-150412-204559
7 Dr. K Ravi Kumar Associate Professor 06-07-2015 Ph. D. Regular 1263-160303-180642
8 Dr. Kadali Srinivas Associate Professor 26-05-2018 Ph. D. Regular 7749-151219-181423
9 Dr. K.Suresh Sr. Assistant Professor 01-11-2012 Ph. D. Regular 0745-150409-122315
10 Mr. PVS Gopi Raghunadh Assistant Professor 04-11-2013 M.Tech Regular 3693-150409-202048
11 Dr. T. Naga Teja Assistant Professor 18-12-2014 M.Tech Regular 49150404-114318
12 Mrs. P.Arti Sudam Assistant Professor 09-05-2015 M.Tech Regular 2838-150509-142354
13 Mr. K. Veerendra Gopi Assistant Professor 11-08-2015 M.Tech Regular 3795-151221-130914
14 Mrs. S. Sangeetha Assistant Professor 14-09-2015 M.Tech Regular 9717-151222-145610
15 Mrs. V. Ramya Krishna Assistant Professor 06-06-2016 M.Tech Regular 6542-150408-135509
16 Mrs. A. Jyothirmai Assistant Professor 24-06-2016 M.Tech Regular 9761-161222-111702
17 Mr. JYV Shiva Bhushan Assistant Professor 02-01-2017 M.Tech Regular 6268-170102-151059
18 Dr. G. Lalitha Sr. Assistant Professor 01-03-2017 Ph. D. Regular 37150404-121416
19 Mrs. R. Harika Assistant Professor 01-03-2017 M.Tech Regular 0233-170131-020324
20 Dr. S. Rakesh Assistant Professor 02-02-2018 Ph. D. Regular 5356-180131-005247
21 Dr. Harinder Devavath Assistant Professor 10-07-2019 Ph. D. Regular 5091-190507-160535
22 Dr. B.Murali Krishna Assistant Professor 03-03-2020 Ph. D. Regular 3965-200306-180920
23 Dr. K.Sai Sahitya Assistant Professor 01-09-2021 Ph. D. Regular 8274-210702-155700
24 Mr. G.Sambasiva Rao Assistant Professor 21-04-2022 M.Tech Regular 0401-220427-101804
25 Mrs. J. Soujanya Assistant Professor 01-08-2022 M.Tech Regular 9798-220707-143231
26 Mr. P. Rama Rao Assistant Professor 14-08-2022 M.Tech Regular 4149-180416-121931
27 Dr. Seenu P Z Assistant Professor 22-02-2023 Ph. D. Regular 0087-230302-102747
28 Mrs. D. Praseeda Assistant Professor 02-03-2023 M.Tech Regular 8817-230404-111059
29 Dr. R. Gokulan Assistant Professor 15-05-2023 Ph. D. Regular 7874-230520-162247
30 Mr. K. Pardhasaradhi Assistant Professor 30-10-2023 M.Tech Regular 7940-231031-112417
31 Mr.Lohit H Assistant Professor 02-11-2023 M.Tech Regular 9347-231106-104726
32 Mr.T.Srinivasa Rao Assistant Professor 21-08-2014 M.Tech Regular 4490-150410-140232
33 Mrs. P.Sarika Assistant Professor 06-12-2017 M.E Regular 1244-171227-114029
34 Mrs. T. Bhavani Chowdary Assistant Professor 10-03-2025 Ph.D. Regular
35 Dr. Poonam Shekhawat Assistant Professor 10-03-2025 Ph.D. Regular

Placement and Higher Education

Department brochure

B. Tech Civil Engineering

M. Tech Structural Engineering

M. Tech Geotechnical Engineering

Alumni Testimonials

Alumni Testimonials