Department of Information Technology

The department of Information Technology was established in the year 1997 with an annual intake of 60, increased to 180 in the year 2017. M.Tech(CNIS) Programme started in the year 2013 with an intake of 18. It has all infrastructural facilities required for imparting high quality education and the department is fully structured to meet the contemporary needs of the industry. Imparting high quality education is supported by well qualified and experienced faculty, further support is extended by technically skilled and competent programmers.

About the Department


  • To impart quality technical education that fosters critical thinking, dynamism and innovation to transform students into globally competitive IT professionals.


  • To provide quality education through innovative teaching and learning process that yields advancements in state-of-the-art information technology.
  • To provide a learning environment that promotes quality research.
  • To inculcate the spirit of ethical values contributing to the welfare of the society.


Programme Educational Outcomes (PEOs)

  1. PEO-1: Graduates will be acquainted with knowledge to contribute theoretical, mathematical and scientific foundations which are flag stones on which Information Technologies are built, and engage in perennial learning by anticipating changing trends in Information Technology.
  2. PEO-2: Graduates will meet the meticulous competitive admission procedure and requirements of national and international markets by exhibiting high qualifications gained through advanced training, independent learners, show team competence to design, analyse and solve real-world IT domain problems.
  3. PEO-3: Graduates will gain research abilities to pursue their professional careers for self-advancement while meeting the requirements for professional instructors, lecturers, researchers, developers and entrepreneurs so as to cater the needs of both academic and industry..
  4. PEO-4: Graduates will be renowned in their preferred domains, acquire the potentiality and competency to exhibit intellectual breadth and lifelong intellectual curiosity essential to cater needs of IT industry creatively and responsibly in leading edge global and societal environments.

Programme Outcomes (POs)

The program demonstrates that the graduate is able to:

  1. PO-1: Apply mathematics, logical, statistical, and scientific principles, emphasizing computing and information processing.
  2. PO-2: Identify and analyse the user needs and take them in to account for Selection, Creation, Evaluation and Administration of Computer-based systems.
  3. PO-3: Understand software engineering and Testing principles and apply them to design, develop, implement and deploy with extensive security features.
  4. PO-4: Engage actively in research, consulting, and other professional activities, both to advance individual professional competence and to integrate new knowledge into the educational programs.
  5. PO-5: Use modern techniques and tools necessary for computing practice that drives towards entrepreneurship.
  6. PO-6: Update their knowledge with the latest technologies by getting involved in projects benefiting the society and contributing to economic growth.
  7. PO-7: Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a social and global environment and ensure sustainability of the solutions.
  8. PO-8: Apply information technology principles and practices to a variety of problems, with the understanding of social, professional and ethical issues.
  9. PO-9: Work effectively in teams with people of diverse backgrounds at all corporate levels.
  10. PO-10: Demonstrate quality skills so as to speak listen and present effectively the acquired technical knowledge to a range of audience.
  11. PO-11: Utilize project management skills and principles of finance and economics in the construction of hardware and software systems with business objective.
  12. PO-12: Engage in lifelong learning to adopt or develop the technological advancements to meet the growing and changing societal needs.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  1. PSO-1: The ability to identify, analyse and design solutions for complex engineering problems in multidisciplinary areas by understanding the core principles and concepts of Information Technology.
  2. PSO-2: Knowledge of data management system like data acquisition, big data so as to enable students in solving problems using the techniques of data analytics like pattern recognition and knowledge discovery.
  3. PSO-3: Basic knowledge in hardware/software methods and tools for solving real-life and R& D problems with an orientation to lifelong learning
  4. PSO-4: The ability to employ modern computer languages, environments, and platforms in creating innovative career paths to be an entrepreneur, and a zest for higher studies.

M TECH Computer Networks and Information Security

Programme Specific Outcomes (PEOs)

  1. PEO-1: Apply the necessary mathematical tools and fundamental & advanced knowledge of computer science & engineering and computer networks
  2. PEO-2: Develop computer network & security systems understanding the importance of social, business, technical, environmental, and human context in which the systems would work
  3. PEO-3: Articulate fundamental concepts, design underpinnings of network & security systems, and research findings to train professionals or to educate post engineering students
  4. PEO-4: Contribute effectively as a team member/leader, using common tools and environment, in computer networks & security projects, research, or education
  5. PEO-4: Pursue life-long learning and research in computer networks and contribute to the growth of that field and society at large

Programme Outcomes(POs)

  1. PO-1: Ability to independently carry out research/investigation and development work to solve practical problems.
  2. PO-2: Ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.
  3. PO-3: Able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program.
  4. PO-4: Demonstrate advanced knowledge of Wired and Wireless Networks, Network Security, Ethical Hacking, Cyber Laws and Network Protocols
  5. PO-5: Analyse and Develop solutions for complex problems in computer Networks and Information security domain
  6. PO-6: Apply advanced knowledge to identify research challenges, and contribute individually or in teams to the development of Computer Networks and Information security domain.


  1. PSO-1: Students will acquire in-depth knowledge in field of Computer Networks and Information Security.
  2. PSO-2: Students will be prepared to develop skills in finding solutions to prevent cyber crimes.
  3. PSO-3: : Students will be prepared to analyze the problems of society and involve in the development of secured networks.
S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Profiles DOJ Qualification Nature of Association E-Mail JNTUH ID
1 Dr.N Mangathayaru Professor & HOD 12/3/2003 Ph.D. Regular 52150407-152647
2 Dr.G Suresh Reddy Professor 12/11/2000 Ph.D. Regular 53150407-173532
3 Dr.G Madhu Professor 9/9/2010 Ph.D. Regular 16150406-123557
4 Dr.D.Srinivasa Rao Associate Professor 12/30/2008 Ph.D. Regular 55150404-164801
5 Dr.B.Jalender Associate Professor 9/23/2008 Ph.D. Regular 3119-150408-102555
6 Dr.B.Mathura Bai Associate Professor 10/10/2003 M.Tech Regular 7525-150409-131915
7 Dr.B.Venkata Seshu Kumari Associate Professor 1/7/2017 Ph.D. Regular 78150407-162814
8 Dr.Gunupudi Rajesh Kumar Associate Professor 5/25/2012 Ph.D. Regular 16150406-161926
9 Dr.V.Radhakrishna Associate Professor 6/1/2012 Ph.D. Regular 4481-150413-002634
10 Dr.G Naga Chandrika Sr.Assistant Professor 6/3/2011 Ph.D. Regular 00150404-163546
11 Mrs.Renuka Kondabala Assistant Professor 11/12/2007 M.Tech Regular 50150406-113223
12 Mr.Ravi Tene Assistant Professor 9/22/2007 M.Tech Regular 06150407-141256
13 Mr.M.Koteswara Rao Assistant Professor 6/23/2008 M.Tech. Regular 8894-150409-104541
14 Mrs.A.Revathi Assistant Professor 11/5/2008 M.Tech Regular 75150407-111638
15 Dr.Y.Usha Rani Assistant Professor 9/23/2008 Ph.D. Regular 9556-150408-110528
16 Dr.D Kalyani Assistant Professor 5/13/2013 Ph.D. Regular 0124-150408-165221
17 Dr.Vemulapalli Saritha Assistant Professor 5/7/2015 Ph.D Regular 0562-150507-130733
18 Mrs.M.Susmitha Assistant Professor 12/9/2015 M.Tech Regular 95150404-100034
19 Mr.S Murali Mohan Assistant Professor 11/27/2017 M.Tech Regular 5421-171205-150019
20 Mr.I. Pavan Kumar Assistant Professor 11/12/2015 M.Tech Regular 61150403-215716
21 Mrs.S Swathi Assistant Professor 12/16/2015 M.Tech Regular 1842-151217-125549
22 Dr.Srivani B Assistant Professor 3/14/2016 M.Tech Regular 4205-160314-185109
23 Mrs.S.Renu Deepti Assistant Professor 3/14/2016 M.Tech Regular 2371-160314-183654
24 Dr A.Sreenivasa Rao Assistant Professor 1/2/2017 Ph.D. Regular 70150405-151757
25 Dr S.Rama Subba Reddy Assistant Professor 2/11/2019 Ph.D. Regular 6597-190128-170916
26 Mrs.Ch.Rohini Assistant Professor 3/13/2019 M.Tech Regular 5967-190129-124755
27 Mrs Dakshayani Himabindu Assistant Professor 11/28/2019 M.Tech Regular 38150330-175555
28 Mrs Keesara Sravanthi Assistant Professor 12/2/2019 M.Tech Regular 1276-150413-172646
29 Mrs Raswitha Bandi Assistant Professor 12/5/2019 M.Tech Regular 7101-151222-101351
30 Mr P. Balakesava Reddy Assistant Professor 12/5/2019 M.Tech Regular 74150406-120750
31 Mr V. Sravan Kiran Assistant Professor 1/2/2020 M.Tech Regular 5931-170521-114846
32 Mr S.Anand Sharma Assistant Professor 3/3/2020 M.Tech Regular 1909-161223-111715
33 Kamala Challa Assistant Professor 7/14/2021 M.Tech Regular 31150331-142854
34 K. Radhika Assistant Professor 2/2/2022 M.Tech Regular 3159-150410-105846
35 Manoj Kumar Vemula Assistant Professor 2/10/2022 M.Tech Regular 48150407-113020
36 Jakkula Sravanthi Assistant Professor 3/4/2022 M.Tech Regular 3383-160307-153908
37 Y.Bhaskar Reddy Assistant Professor 7/29/2022 M.Tech Regular 6954-220711-152809
38 R.Yamini Rani Assistant Professor 8/12/2022 M.Tech Regular 2028-160227-153135
39 M.Radha Assistant Professor 11/21/2022 M.Tech Regular 7626-221201-133625
40 Mr.S.KumaraSwamy Assistant Professor 4/22/2021 M.Tech Regular 9299-161215-112342
41 Mrs. S. Anoosha Assistant Professor 23-08-2023 M.Tech Regular 1110-160304-175027
42 Mrs. M. Mownika Rayudu Assistant Professor 07-12-2023 M.Tech Regular 6672-240104-143127
43 Soujanya Ambala Assistant Professor 01-08-2024 M.Tech Regular

NON-Teaching Staff

S.No Name of the Staff Designation EMAIL ID Phone Number
1 G.Ramakrishna N/W Prog 9866070714
2 P.Swetha Comp Prog 9642444433
3 C.P Naidu N/W Prog 9618639159
4 T.Nagarjuna Comp Prog 9963422288
5 P.swathi Comp Prog 9160190085
6 B.Srinivasa Reddy N/W Prog 9542589590
7 V.Krishna Kireeti Junior Asst 9885588887
8 M.Akhil Network Administrator 6360716501
9 K.Peerya Skilled Asst 9666517906
10 Mohd Anwar Record Asst 9063903842
11 Ravi Surekha Computer Operator 9515325114

IPITEx 2024 Awards