Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

The Department of ECE was founded in 1995 and is recognized by JNTU Hyderabad as a centre for R&D activities. The research Centre is of internationally acclaimed standards, predominantly in the areas of Communications, Signal Processing, Microelectronics and IoT. The Department has 65 well qualified and experienced faculty with 37 doctorates and 25 faculty are pursuing their doctoral degrees. Most of the faculties are associated with Research and Consultancy Cell (RCC). The RCC comprises of RFID and WSN Lab, Virtual Reality Lab, Machine Vision Lab. Presently, the Department has an intake of 240 Students for UG programme and an intake of 18 students for PG programme in VLSI System Design and Embedded Systems respectively. The department indulges in cutting edge research in the areas of Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, Wireless Communications, Internet of Things, Cognitive Radio, Speech/Audio, Video and Biomedical Signal Processing.

Department News


The department was established in 1995 with recognition from AICTE-New Delhi and Affiliation from JNTUH. The department is offering one UG programme in B. Tech- Electronics and Communication Engineering with an intake of 240, 3-Post Graduate (PG) Programmes in M. Tech-VLSI System Design, M. Tech-Embedded Systems and M.Tech- Defence Technology with an intake of 18 each and also offering Ph.D Progarmme. UG programme is accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA). The department is recognized by AICTE and JNTUH as a “Research Centre”.

The department has 65 well experienced and qualified teaching faculty out of which 37 are with Ph. D, 25 are pursuing Ph. D and remaining are with M.Tech and, also 10 experienced non-teaching staff. Faculty are with expertise in various domains like Embedded & IoT, VLSI, Signal Processing and Communication, etc.

The department has 17 well-equipped state-of-art academic laboratories in addition to the Centre of Excellence and Research Laboratories like RFID and WSN Lab, Virtual Reality Lab and Machine Vision Lab etc. Laboratories are equipped with latest software tools like MATLAB, Synopsys, Mentor Graphics, Xilinx ISE and hardware equipment like mobile station, RF signal generator, Spectrum analyzers, industry compatible FPGAs and PCB printer etc. Department has an exclusive Departmental library with around 1000 Volumes and consisting of e-Learning resources like NPTEL. All the class rooms of the department are well equipped with ICT tools like LCD Projector and Audio Video equipment. Digital class room facility is also available in the department.

Department conducts various hands-on training Programmes, certification courses to all the students starting from 1st year in core technologies in addition to coding skills training. All the students are encouraged to enroll the courses related to emerging technologies offered by the NPTEL (Swayam), Coursera and other online platforms. Department encourages the students to visit core industries in and around Hyderabad to get exposure in cutting edge technologies being implementing in industries.

All B.Tech and M.Tech students are provided with Campus Recruitment Training at various phases during their study of programme, as a result students placed in topmost companies like Amazon, Synopsys, Qualcomm, AMD, INTEL, Cadence, Mentor Graphics, TCS, JP Morgon, Delloite, etc. with a highest package of 45 Lakhs for this academic year of 2021-22. Students are encouraged to publish research papers. Many of our alumni pursued M.Tech and Ph. D from IITs, NITs and from top foreign universities. They are working in various reputed positions in multi-national companies and some of the students have started their own start-ups. All the students of the department are actively involving in the activities of professional societies and various cultural and technical clubs of the institute.

Our Faculty are actively carry out research in various domains, which resulted in 36 funding projects worth around Rs. 4 crores from several funding agencies like DRDO, UGC, AICTE, DST, ITRA, etc. and Published 14 patents. We also have 325 publications in Web of Science, SCI and Scopus journals/conferences during last three years. Department is entered have undersigned 18 Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with various industries like AMD, Avantel, Ananth Technologies, ICOMM etc. All faculty members actively participate in various professional societies like IEEE, ISTE, & IETE. Most of our faculty and students are proactive in attending workshops, conferences and have received various awards and scholarships.


A resource centre of academic excellence for imparting technical education with high pattern of discipline through dedicated staff which shall set global standards, making National and International students technologically superior and ethically strong, who in turn shall improve the quality of life.


To provide quality education in the domain of Electronics and Communication Engineering through effective learner centric process.

To provide industry specific best of breed laboratory facilities beyond curriculum to promote diverse collaborative research for meeting the changing industrial and societal needs.

PEOs, POs & PSOs

B.Tech ECE

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

    The student in Electronics and Communication Engineering will be able to:

  • Produce Electronics and Communication Engineering Professionals with a solid foundation in Mathematics, Science and Technology which is essential to solve engineering problems.
  • Train students in good scientific and engineering practices so that they comprehend, analyze, design, and create novel products and offer solutions for industry specific processes and real life problems.
  • Prepare students to adopt the learning culture needed for a successful professional career by encouraging them to acquire higher qualifications, take up research and keep abreast of latest technological developments.
  • Inculcate organizing, managerial and entrepreneurship skills essential for professional growth.
  • Develop the consciousness among students towards moral values and professional ethics while developing innovative solutions to meet the societal needs.

Program Outcomes (POs)

    Engineering Graduates will be able to:

  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences,and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • Analyze, Design and Implement application specific Electronic systems for Analog and Digital domain, Communications, Signal and Image Processing Applications
  • Demonstrate the Computational and programming skills for problem solving
  • Identify and Apply Domain specific tools for Design, Analysis and Synthesis in the areas of VLSI and Embedded systems

PEOs, POs & PSOs

M.Tech- VLSI System Design

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • Identify, formulate and analyze technical problems in areas like semiconductor technologies, VLSI Signal verification and Design verification and testing.
  • Design and implementation of VLSI architectures using FPGA
  • Use the techniques, skills, modern Electronic Design Automation(EDA) tools to evaluate and analyze the performance of the systems in VLSI domain.

Program Outcomes (POs)

  • Apply acquired knowledge from undergraduate engineering and other disciplines to identify, formulate and present solutions to technical problems related to various areas of VLSI.
  • Learn advanced technologies and analyze complex problems in the fields of VLSI.
  • Design and implementation of VLSI architectures using FPGA/CPLD.
  • Addressing specific problems in the field of VLSI system design in the form of mini projects, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
  • Use the techniques, skills, modern Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools, software and equipment necessary to evaluate and analyze the systems in VLSI design environments.
  • Understand and commit to professional ethics, social responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
  • Develop confidence for self-education and imbibe professional values for lifelong learning.
  • Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills in accordance with technical standards.
  • Become knowledgeable about contemporary developments.
  • Ability to correct the mistakes effectively and learn from them to become good leaders.
  • Understand the scenario of global business.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • Identify, formulate and analyze technical problems in areas like semiconductor technologies, VLSI Signal verification and Design verification and testing.
  • Design and implementation of VLSI architectures using FPGA.
  • Use the techniques, skills, modern Electronic Design Automation(EDA) tools to evaluate and analyze the performance of the systems in VLSI domain.

M.Tech- Embedded Systems

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • Demonstrate outstanding analytical & technical skills to evaluate , analyze and solve real time problems in Embedded Systems.
  • Apply the acquired knowledge to solve engineering problems to suit multidisciplinary situations.
  • Undertake research and development projects in the field of Embedded Systems.
  • Continue the personal development through professional study and self learning.
  • Demonstrate their professional, ethical and social responsibilities and contribute their part for addressing various global issues.

Program Outcomes (POs)

  • Apply the acquired knowledge from undergraduate engineering and other disciplines to identify, formulate and present solutions to technical problems related to various areas of Embedded Systems.
  • Learn advanced technologies and analyze complex problems in the fields of Embedded System design along with the fundamental concepts of engineering.
  • Addressing specific problems in the field of Embedded System in the form of mini projects, analysis, and interpretation of data and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions by considering societal and environmental factors in the core areas of expertise.
  • Plan and conduct systematic study on a significant research topic effective to the societal, health, legal and environmental issues in the field of Embedded Systems.
  • Use the techniques, skills, modern Integrated Development Environment (IDE) tools, Operating systems, software and equipment necessary to evaluate and analyze the systems in Real time environments.
  • Ability to manage team effectively and become good leaders.
  • Understand the scenario of global business.
  • Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills in accordance with technical standards.
  • Develop confidence and motivation for self education and imbibe professional values for lifelong learning.
  • Understand and commit to professional ethics, social responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
  • Become knowledgeable about contemporary developments by self learning.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems in the broad areas like System Design using Embedded Platforms, Applications in Signal Processing, Machine Vision and Communication Networks.
  • Use different software tools in the domain of Embedded Systems, for developing applications based on ARM processor core SoC and DSP processor.
  • Integrate multiple sub-systems to optimize performance of Embedded Systems and excel in industry sectors related to Embedded Systems domain.
S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Profiles Joining Date Qualification Nature of Association E-Mail JNTUH ID
1 Dr.C.D.Naidu Professor & Principal 29-10-1997 Ph.D. Regular 59150406-115722
2 Dr.Y.Padma Sai Professor and Dean-Student Progression 01-07-1999 Ph.D. Regular 47150402-093652
3 Dr L Padma Sree Professor & HOD 28-07-1997 Ph.D. Regular 83150404-160632
4 Dr.S.Rajendra Prasad Professor 03-06-2013 Ph.D. Regular 82150401-193318
5 Dr.Ranjan Kumar Professor 08-12-2016 Ph.D. Regular 2660-160310-180718
6 Dr.V.Krishna Sree Associate Professor 23-03-2000 Ph.D. Regular 79150402-171414
7 Dr.N.Dhana Lakshmi Associate Professor 05-09-2003 Ph.D Regular 2399-150409-142749
8 Shaik Khadar Sharif Associate Professor 27-06-2011 M.Tech Regular 8117-150407-223426
9 Dr.A.Ramesh Kumar Associate Professor 01-09-2006 M.Tech Regular 5213-150409-123809
10 Dr.Y.Chalapathi Rao Associate Professor 25-04-2018 Ph.D. Regular 73150406-141234
11 Dr.P.Kishore Associate Professor 13-05-2013 Ph.D. Regular 60150403-174125
12 Dr.L.V.Rajani Kumari Associate Professor 20-05-2011 Ph.D. Regular 23150404-144707
13 Dr.K.Archana Bhange Sr. Assistant Professor 30-06-2008 Ph.D. Regular 15150405-152751
14 Dr.Santosh Kumar Choudhary Assistant Professor 28-11-2016 Ph.D. Regular 7783-160204-153400
15 Dr.D.Santhosh Kumar Assistant Professor 10-11-2016 Ph.D. Regular 5261-161114-101437
16 G.Sahitya Assistant Professor 11-10-2002 M.Tech Regular 96150404-165100
17 Dr.J.L.V.Ramana Kumari Assistant Professor 22-07-2005 Ph.D. Regular 72150403-094603
18 Dr.Helan Satish Assistant Professor 19-12-2006 M.Tech. Regular 08150402-154456
19 K.Aruna Kumari Assistant Professor 02-01-2007 M.Tech Regular 30150404-203404
20 Dr.K.Jyostna Assistant Professor 15-04-2008 M.Tech Regular 16150406-144320
21 Dr.D.Kanthi Sudha Assistant Professor 28-07-2008 Ph.D Regular 88150402-171615
22 Dr.L.Dharma Teja Assistant Professor 29-06-2011 M.Tech Regular 29150331-183418
23 Dr.G.Shanthi Assistant Professor 10-08-2012 Ph.D. Regular 82150404-120638
24 Dr.G.Vijaya Kumar Assistant Professor 10-12-2012 Ph.D Regular 63150401-200449
25 Dr.V.Priyanka Assistant Professor 11-12-2012 Ph.D. Regular 19150402-174630
26 Dr.K.Kalyan Srinivas Assistant Professor 03-07-2013 Ph.D. Regular 30150406-113713
27 V.Naveen Kumar Assistant Professor 01-09-2009 M.Tech Regular 23150404-100809
28 Dr.D.Ramesh Reddy Assistant Professor 15-05-2014 M.Tech. Regular 7737-150410-140220
29 K.Deepthi Assistant Professor 07-05-2015 M.Tech Regular 7191-150507-124553
30 M.Haritha Assistant Professor 29-04-2015 M.Tech Regular 2194-150430-123942
31 B.B.Shabarinath Assistant Professor 15-03-2016 M.Tech Regular 1085-160315-145211
32 Dr.Ch.Ganesh Assistant Professor 09-05-2016 M.Tech. Regular 0070-160315-152235
33 Dr.V.Sagar Reddy Assistant Professor 12-05-2015 Ph.D. Regular 5109-150512-131733
34 K.Sangeetha Assistant Professor 23-06-2016 M.Tech 3954-161022-154436
35 Dr.Pradeep Kumar Assistant Professor 27-06-2016 Ph.D. Regular 0195-161022-122134
36 Dr.Ch.Raja Kumari Assistant Professor 15-12-2016 M.Tech Regular 7475-161216-111716
37 S.Naga Leela Assistant Professor 18-12-2014 M.Tech Regular 8369-150425-223127
38 P.Suresh Babu Assistant Professor 14-11-2016 M.Tech Regular 5177-150409-112123
39 G.Ramya Assistant Professor 15-11-2016 M.Tech Regular 1744-150411-154629
40 M.Rama Devi Assistant Professor 01-03-2017 M.Tech Regular 4540-160316-165257
41 J.V.A.Bala Krishna Assistant Professor 01-03-2017 M.Tech Regular 3527-161215-100314
42 C.Kaushik Assistant Professor 11-03-2017 M.Tech Regular 7783-170522-143635
43 V.Alekhya Assistant Professor 05-03-2020 M.Tech Regular 0187-150417-110803
44 Y.Manasa Assistant Professor 06-03-2020 M.Tech Regular 79150407-131410
45 K.Manasa Assistant Professor 06-03-2020 M.Tech Regular 5007-160219-121841
46 R.Ravi Kumar Assistant Professor 19-03-2021 M.Tech Regular 2509-160306-072648
47 Dr.Aruru Sai Kumar Assistant Professor 21-04-2022 Ph.D. Regular 67150403-152955
48 Dr.Srinivas Talasila Assistant Professor 09-05-2022 Ph.D. Regular 51150402-130005
49 Dr.N.Neelima Assistant Professor 01-06-2022 M.Tech Regular 53150406-160404
50 M.Bhagya Lakshmi Assistant Professor 26-05-2022 M.Tech Regular 3886-220708-163704
51 Dr.E.Vijaya Babu Assistant Professor 23-06-2022 M.Tech Regular 5784-171206-145201
52 A.Pravallika Assistant Professor 14-07-2022 M.Tech Regular 2166-180417-123901
53 Dr.Ch.Anil Kumar Assistant Professor 01-09-2022 Ph.D. Regular 6994-160317-125648
54 Dr.Sk.Shoukat Vali Assistant Professor 14-03-2023 M.Tech Regular 7093-230317-112652
55 Sri Rama Y Assistant Professor 17-03-2023 M.Tech Regular 4016-161220-160010
56 Sireesha Amaraneni Assistant Professor 23-03-2023 M.Tech Regular 3549-150408-162707
57 Chiranjeevi Thokala Assistant Professor 04-10-2023 M.Tech Regular 6940-181208-140242
58 Mrs.Katta Mounika Assistant Professor 07-07-2022 M.Tech Regular 4107-220707-140148
59 Dr.V.Pradeep kumar Assistant Professor 30-10-2023 M.Tech Regular 23150407-103944
60 Dr.N.Subash Assistant Professor 01-11-2023 Ph.D Regular 9547-180723-162357
61 Mrs.N.Syamala Assistant Professor 02-12-2024 M.TECH Regular 04150403-004303
62 Mr.G.Kiran Kumar Assistant Professor 20-02-2024 M.TECH Regular 54150331-122853
63 Mrs.S.Baswarani Assistant Professor 17-02-2024 M.Tech Regular 9431-240217-162020

Staff Members

S.No Name of the Staff Designation
1 Mrs.S.Madhavi JCP
2 Mrs.V.V.N.Malleswari Instuctor
3 Mr.R.Raju Instuctor
4 Mr.K.Balaji Sr.Skilled Asst
5 Mr.V.D.Ram Kumar Sr.Skilled Asst
6 Mr.Sk.Subhani Sr.Skilled Asst
7 Ms.T.Sujata Sr.Skilled Asst
8 Mr.T.Jagadish Skilled Asst
9 Mr.G.Bhaskar Attendar

